DISC Term Definitions

I took the liberty of getting all the definitions of terms you will be asked about while taking the DISC Personality Assessment. 🙂

Also, a lot of these are good keywords to use on your resume, cover letter, etc. As will the results of your assessment.

Free Personality Assessment

Accurate: correct in all details; exact.
Confident: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
Considerate: careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
Decisive: settling an issue; producing a definite result. having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

Inspiring: having the effect of inspiring someone.
Introspective: characterized by or given to introspection.
Moderate: average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.
Strong-willed: determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it.

Aggressive: ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
Cautious: careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
Charming: pleasant or attractive. polite, friendly, and likable.
Generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.

Determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
Neighborly: characteristic of a good neighbor, especially helpful, friendly, or kind.
Orderly: neatly and methodically arranged.
Playful: fond of games and amusement; lighthearted. intended for one’s own or others’ amusement rather than seriously. giving or expressing pleasure and amusement.

Assertive: having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
Cheerful: noticeably happy and optimistic. causing happiness by its nature or appearance.
Disciplined: showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working.
Good Listener: someone who gives you a lot of attention when you are talking about your problems or things that worry you, and tries to understand and support you

Bold: showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
Entertaining: providing amusement or enjoyment.
Soft Spoken:  speaking or said with a gentle, quiet voice.
Sympathetic: feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy. pleasant or agreeable, in particular.

Careful: making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious. done with or showing thought and attention.
Competitive: of, relating to, or characterized by competition. as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.
Enthusiastic: having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Even-tempered: not easily annoyed or angered.

Controlled: determine the behavior or supervise the running of.
Pioneering: involving new ideas or methods.
Poised: having a composed and self-assured manner. having a graceful and elegant bearing.
Steady: regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity.

Compassionate: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
Correct: free from error; in accordance with fact or truth.
Daring: adventurous or audaciously bold.
Expressive: effectively conveying thought or feeling.

Accommodating: fitting in with someone’s wishes or demands in a helpful way.
Forceful: strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful.
Restrained: characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.
Talkative: fond of or given to talking.

Outspoken: frank in stating one’s opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial.
Friendly: kind and pleasant.
Diplomatic: of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
Accepting: believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.

Calm: not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions.
Influential: having great influence on someone or something.
Impartial: treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.
Vigorous: strong, healthy, and full of energy.

Constant: occurring continuously over a period of time. a situation or state of affairs that does not change.
Impatient: having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked. restlessly eager.
Cooperative: involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal.
Gregarious: fond of company; sociable.

Tactful: having or showing tact. (adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.)
Stable: not likely to change or fail; firmly established. sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed.
Persuasive: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.
Extroverted: an outgoing, overtly expressive person.

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